Customer Appreciation: Natural Intensive Care Skin Creams (Lavender)
Brian MoonShare
We received a wonderful letter from a customer about our Natural Intensive Care Skin Creams (Lavender) and wanted to share it with you all. This is why we do what we do.
Good morning -
I think it's been close to 5 years ago now when a friend gifted me a container of your Lavender Intensive Care Beeswax Skin Cream.
Seriously, I have always treated this product as if it's gold, which in my book it truly is!
This little container has traveled over the years with me from Rhinebeck (where it was gifted to me), and onward to and from the most northern plains of North Dakota, to the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina, and finally settled (for the time being) in Elkhart, Indiana.
Whew, all in the span of five years.
After all these years I have finally reached the very bottom of the container and am grateful to still have the label in good shape to find your company on the internet.
It is with great hope you are still making the Lavender Intensive Care All Natural Beeswax Skin Cream for this has absolutely been the best skincare product I have ever used. Even after all the years gone by, this product has not diminished in scent or consistency.
I was hoping to purchase it from your website but I quickly discovered I do not have the correct form of payment set up.
If this is a product you currently have available (2 containers please), would you kindly contact me so we can determine an arrangement to get payment to you for the product and shipping to Elkhart, IN?
I very much look forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards,