A fellow beekeeper that I work with has formulated a brood disease formula that is easy to use and could save an unhealthy hive. Take a look: https://www.apisbiologic.com/brood-disease-formula A fellow beekeeper I work with has formulated a brood disease formula that is easy to use and could save an unhealthy hive. Take a look: https://www.apisbiologic.com/brood-disease-formula Scientific Beekeeping: My go-to source for real-world advice: http://scientificbeekeeping.com/ Bee Informed: Great source for beekeeping practices https://beeinformed.org/ The Honeybee Conservancy: Great source for plantings and other resources https://thehoneybeeconservancy.org/ Empire State Honey Producers Association, Inc. https://eshpa.org/ NY Bee Wellness Workshops: Working for the health of bees https://beeinformed.org/