Brian Moon

Comb honey refers to honey that is sold in its original beeswax comb. In traditional beekeeping, bees build comb cells made of beeswax in their hives to store honey and raise their young. Beekeepers can harvest honey in two primary forms: as liquid honey or as comb honey.

When beekeepers collect comb honey, they cut the beeswax comb directly from the beehive without extracting the liquid honey from the comb. The comb is cut into pieces, and the honey within the cells remains intact. This results in a product that includes both the honey and the edible beeswax comb.

Comb honey is valued for its natural, unprocessed state. It is considered by many to be a delicacy because it offers a unique sensory experience – consumers can enjoy both the taste of the honey and the chewable beeswax comb. Comb honey often has a more complex flavor profile than extracted honey because it retains the characteristics of the specific flowers the bees visited to collect nectar.

Consumers can eat comb honey as is, or they can spread the honey on bread or other foods while chewing the wax comb. Some people also use the beeswax comb for various purposes, such as making candles or cosmetics, after enjoying the honey.

Harvesting comb honey requires careful handling to maintain the integrity of the comb structure and ensure the honey remains in its natural comb form. It provides a unique way to experience honey in its most unprocessed and raw state.

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